Data-First Forum

Slam Dunk Strategies: Winning With Gen AI

On-demand | Replay

Gen AI is revolutionizing the way we work. In this expert panel, we’ll discuss the different aspects of securing generative AI — from inception to executing a successful rollout, the how-tos of using gen AI internally, using AI for security purposes, and even how to secure data for training LLMs. Learn how to make implementing your AI strategy a layup.

What you'll learn:

  • How foundational AIs like Azure and Open AI are paving the way for the new age of gen AI 
  • The fundamentals of gen AI and why it's so important to have the right security processes in place 
  • How security teams should secure gen AI and best practices for training LLMs 
  • Predictions for how attacks may evolve in the future with the growing adoption of LLMs 
March 2024 DFF LP image



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