+1 CPE

A Practical Guide to Safely Deploying Gen AI

Featuring special guest Jeff Pollard

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 11 a.m. ET Scott Shafer, Jeff Pollard

The emergence of gen AI tools, such as Microsoft 365 Copilot, offers unparalleled efficiency and productivity. However, this promise also comes with the responsibility of ensuring its adoption doesn't compromise your data security.

During this live event, we'll chat with Forrester Security and Risk Analyst Jeff Pollard about the unique considerations and challenges associated with safely deploying AI-powered tools at your organization.

He'll share real-world use cases and expert insights on how others safely deploy gen AI within their cybersecurity environments.

Join us to unlock the full potential of AI-powered innovation while safeguarding your data. Register, and if you can’t make it live, we’ll send you a recording.

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about this session
Forrester Security and Risk Analyst, Jeff Pollard, will join us to chat about the unique considerations and challenges associated with safely deploying AI-powered tools at your organization. Sharing real-world use cases and expert insights on how others are safely deploying Gen AI within their cybersecurity environments.
  • Common security challenges to consider before deploying gen AI-powered tools
  • Best practices to consider for secure deployment
  • Compliance and governance considerations

Featured speakers:

Scott Shafer headshot

Scott Shafer

Director of Sales Engineering, Varonis

Jeff-Pollard_png (1)

Jeff Pollard

Security and Risk Analyst, Forrester

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