Deciphering the Latest HIPAA Security Rule Notice
We’ve all heard of the latest rulemaking notice addressing overdue changes to the HIPAA Security Rule. Many healthcare organizations are actively processing this notice, which includes over 100 pages of justifications and changes.
Join Shawn Hays, Varonis Product Marketing Manager and Errol Weiss, Chief Security Officer of Health-ISAC, to discuss the recently released recommendations and how healthcare providers, medical technology suppliers, and all other covered entities should ready their organizations for what may come.
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About this session
We'll discuss:
- Background for the security rule updates
- Key additions and changes to the rule
- Impact this will have on covered entities and their business associates
- Readiness measures in 2025 and beyond

Shawn Hays
Product Marketing Manager, Varonis

Errol Weiss
Chief Security Officer,