+1 CPE

Securing Microsoft Copilot Live Lab

Every Thursday 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ET

Microsoft Copilot has been called one of the most powerful productivity tools on the planet, and rightfully so. However, with all this power comes a minefield of hidden risks, allowing access to everything your organization works on in Microsoft 365. 

During this 30 minute Live Lab, we'll show you:

  • How easily your company's sensitive data can be exposed using Copilot
  • Practical steps to prevent prompt-hacking and data exposure 
  • Strategies to ensure a secure Microsoft Copilot rollout

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About this session

During this live lab, we'll reveal real-life AI prompts and results in Microsoft Copilot such as:
  • Are there any files with credentials?
  • What bonuses were awarded in 2023?
  • What information is there on the purchase of a company?
  • And many more
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